Another Exciting Project

Another unique newsworthy project has made the project List. 


Twinstrology &

When Marla Kelly approached us to do a website redesign, she was already a globally popular astrologer with a definite following. Because she was so well known for her videos, in which she was always appearing in the same type of set, we knew that was her brand. Therefore we created a design with a very warm and approachable feel which matched the vibe of her videos. The background of course had to be the starry sky since her focus in astrology and reading the night sky!

Marla’s website is now very well travelled. She gets so much work she is booked way out in advance. Most of her traffic comes from YouTube subscribers and Facebook posts she makes which lead to her website. She gets a high volume of bookings from her Services page where people can book sessions right then and pay for them which reserves their spot. She considers her website a great success!!


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